Polish Visitor Academician Izabela Lipinska gives lectures on agriculture and economic developments at our university.

Bartın University hosted Izabela Lipinska from Poznan University of Life Sciences in Poland under the framework of Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility. The academician gave lectures on “Agricultural Production, Agrarian Cooperation, Crop and Animal Insurance and Case of GMOs seeds and GMOs animal in Poland” at our university during the whole week. Visiting the Ağdacı and Kutlubey campus areas, “Students here are so lucky that they are able to receive a quality education on a campus established on a wide open space. When I return my home university, I will advise my students to choose Bartın University for their mobility under Erasmus+ programme” she said.

Lipinska visits Rector Prof. Dr. Uzun

Visitor academician also paid a visit to the Rector’s Office on the last day of her mobility. Sharing her good wishes, she thanked Rector Uzun for seeing a warm hospitality.

Rector Uzun, emphasizing the importance of internationalization in his statements: “It has become a significant fact for higher education institutions to internationalize across the world. In this regard, our university will develop promising strategies that keep pace with the conditions of the world becoming smaller through globalization. While our academicians, researchers and students benefit from such mobility abroad, we will try to welcome more teachers and students from abroad”.

Bartın University is able to provide both students and academic/administrative staff with the mobility to 11 countries, 26 universities through Erasmus+ programme and 13 countries and 22 universities through Mevlana programme.

Avrupa Komisyonu E+ Tanıtım Günü Dış İlişkiler GK Yönergesi Erasmus Koordinatörlüğü
T.C. AB Bakanlığı E+ Bilgilendirme Toplantıları E+ Yönergesi Öğr. Gör. Ahmet YİRMİBEŞ
Yükseköğretim Kurulu Giden Öğrenci Oryantasyonları E+ Usul ve Esaslar Erasmus Kurumsal Koordinatörü
Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı E+ Kulübü E+ Uygulama El Kitabı E-posta: ayirmibes@bartin.edu.tr
Bartın Üniversitesi E+ Tanıtım Materyalleri   Telefon: +90 378 223 5435
ISCED Kodları Faaliyet Raporları   Ofis E-posta: ulik@bartin.edu.tr
E+ Öğrenci Beyannamesi