Kardelen YAMAN from Our University’s Erasmus Office Attended the Beyond Borders Stakeholders Conference in Bonn

Kardelen YAMAN, a specialist from our university’s Erasmus Office, participated in the Beyond Borders Stakeholders Conference, held from September 16-20, 2024, in Bonn, Germany. Organized by the Beyond Borders initiative, the conference brought together youth workers from around the world, focusing on strengthening youth projects and expanding international collaboration networks.
During the five-day event, comprehensive discussions were held on the development, implementation, and sustainability of youth projects, with successful case studies being shared. Methods and best practices in youth work were thoroughly explored, and various digital platforms for effective project management were introduced to participants. Special emphasis was placed on project cycle management, potential risks, and crises, along with practical strategies to overcome these challenges.
On the final day of the conference, participants collaboratively developed draft proposals for new projects, which were viewed as a significant step towards future project implementation. By participating in this event, Bartın University took significant steps towards strengthening international collaborations in youth projects.
Our university will continue to expand its international collaborations and provide new opportunities for our students through Erasmus+ and other youth programs.

Avrupa Komisyonu E+ Tanıtım Günü Dış İlişkiler GK Yönergesi Erasmus Koordinatörlüğü
T.C. AB Bakanlığı E+ Bilgilendirme Toplantıları E+ Yönergesi Öğr. Gör. Ahmet YİRMİBEŞ
Yükseköğretim Kurulu Giden Öğrenci Oryantasyonları E+ Usul ve Esaslar Erasmus Kurumsal Koordinatörü
Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı E+ Kulübü E+ Uygulama El Kitabı E-posta: ayirmibes@bartin.edu.tr
Bartın Üniversitesi E+ Tanıtım Materyalleri   Telefon: +90 378 223 5435
ISCED Kodları Faaliyet Raporları   Ofis E-posta: ulik@bartin.edu.tr
E+ Öğrenci Beyannamesi