Our ESC Project, “Hello Volunteering!”, is Continuing at Full Speed

European Solidarity Corps ESC11 “Hello Volunteering!” Project which is accepted by the Turkish National Agency, is continuing at full speed after the pandemic with Greece and Portugal mobility activities.

Students from Bartın University, which earned its European Solidarity Corps Quality Label in 2019, returned to our country with their Youthpass certificates after one month of volunteering in the city of Barcelos in Portugal within the framework of Bartın University “Hello Volunteering!” Project.

To this day, within the scope of the “Hello Volunteering!” Project, with:

1st Group – 4 Volunteers, Portugal / 4 Volunteers, Greece

2nd Group – 4 Volunteers, Portugal

a total of 12 students participated. The mobility of 4 of our 2nd group students who were entitled to Greece mobility activities was postponed to a later date.

Mobility activities will continue

As a part of the project, 16 mobility activities will be carried out to Portugal and Greece with 8 volunteers each.

While our alumni will be prioritized for the 3rd Group, pre-pandemic applications will be reevaluated and if necessary, new announcements can be made regarding our alumni.

Planned Mobility Activities:

2nd Group – 4 Volunteers, Greece (It is planned that the selected students will be included in the mobility for the semester and their rights will be reserved.)

3rd Group – 4 Volunteers, Portugal / 4 Volunteers, Greece (Alumni Group) (Pre-Pandemic applications will be evaluated and if necessary, new announcements can be made regarding our alumni. The mobility activities are planned for October or November.)

4th Group – 4 Volunteers, Portugal / 4 Volunteers, Greece (Student or Alumni Group) (Announcements are planned for the beginning of 2022 and mobility activities are planned for the spring semester.)

For more information about the project, planned mobility activities and possible announcements you can visit our website or the bartinunierasmus Instagram account.

For detailed information about the European Solidarity Corps:


Avrupa Komisyonu E+ Tanıtım Günü Dış İlişkiler GK Yönergesi Erasmus Koordinatörlüğü
T.C. AB Bakanlığı E+ Bilgilendirme Toplantıları E+ Yönergesi Öğr. Gör. Ahmet YİRMİBEŞ
Yükseköğretim Kurulu Giden Öğrenci Oryantasyonları E+ Usul ve Esaslar Erasmus Kurumsal Koordinatörü
Türkiye Ulusal Ajansı E+ Kulübü E+ Uygulama El Kitabı E-posta: ayirmibes@bartin.edu.tr
Bartın Üniversitesi E+ Tanıtım Materyalleri   Telefon: +90 378 223 5435
ISCED Kodları Faaliyet Raporları   Ofis E-posta: ulik@bartin.edu.tr
E+ Öğrenci Beyannamesi    

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